By Tim Kelly

You can treat hard cash banks either as a friend of a foe. Glance at the high interest rates they use and you will feel that they are just self-centered people who want to capitalize on other people's deals. Look at how fast they process loans and you'll realize that they really want to help you to profit from that deal. Therefore will hard cash lenders help you reach the future you would like for you and yours?

The truth be told, these banks are just individuals who've ready money. They're just businessmen who also seek to protect their assets. If it was you, you would like to ensure you get your cash back and earn from it. They use high IRs because they are more exposed to defaults. They're more at the mercy of losses. Be aware that these banks finance loans that banks and other standard lenders often find to be too risky to back. Hard cash banks grant credit even to folks who've got a blemished credit score and that is why they are considered a deliverance by many borrowers. They use the high interest to make up for losses.

The high IR is also the effect of a swift processing of loans. They want just a couple of days to release cash, unlike standard lenders, which take at least 30 days to process applications. Investors in real estate barely care about the high interest for 2 of reasons. First, the rate of return is more than enough to counterbalance the interest. 2nd, they require the money fast to make profit and that's something that they couldn't get from standard lenders.

Going to money lenders is also propitious for many investors in property. This is thanks to the fact that these lenders use a different formula when granting loans. Lenders look at the ARV (after mend cost of the property) and not its current value.

For example, a bank will give you $55,000 if the doer upper you want to rehab is worth that amount. In the case of hard money banks, they're going to give you around 70% of the ARV. If they see that that property will be worth $100,000 after you make some repairs, then you will get $70,000. You can use the excess money for the repairs. That means you will be well placed to buy the property and likely mend it without having to spend any cash from your pocket.

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